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Category: Participant 2024



Team info

Eduardo Gómez
N Petrov
M Tokareva
E Eifel


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

we are looking for enthusiastic students who are interested in working with dynamic wireless charging and its implementation in the logistics industry, either willing to join the technical side of the project or being part of the PR/ management team.

Contact us

The Mission

Our mission is to manufacture a working small-scale prototype and be able to motivate other students to be part of this innovative journey with us.

The Challenge 

Every year, warehouses are increasing the use of autonomous guided vehicles for transportation purposes. These vehicles require unsustainable large batteries, resulting in long waiting times, limiting their productivity.

The Solution

We aim at increasing productivity and limit the energy consumption for Autonomous Driving Vehiclew (AGVs) in warehouses using our revolutionary technology of Dynamic Wireless Charging (DWC) as a solution, thereby, pursuing a more profitable as well as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the logistics sector. Alongside our technical solutions, we would like to also highlight our business plan for this year's contest. By doing so, we are able to showcase the anticipated increase of profits diminishing costs for a warehouse business that uses our solutions.



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